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Joined: Mar 3, 2013
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I want get agent skill after agent login. I see "getAcdGroup" in two event:
+ OnAgentLoggedOffEvent
+ OnAgentLoggedOnEvent
But i can't use it. I tried monitor VDN and ACD group (using serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.StartMonitor(thirdPartyDeviceId, ThirdPartyCallsViaDeviceCallControlEvents, null); but when agent login , I still can not get into the events. How can i use this event ? Please help me.

I'm using AES 6.1 and DMCC 6.2
Joined: Mar 3, 2013
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Need help :(
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1931
Do you have EAS enabled? You can check using the SAT command "display system-parameters customer-options". It's on page 6, the option "Expert Agent Selection (EAS)?".

Joined: Mar 3, 2013
Messages: 0
Hi Martin,
Thanks for reply but I want get agent skill in my application.
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1146
Location: Rural, Virginia
There are two ways to figure out what skills an Agent has.

1) use the System Management Service and submit a web query to find out what skills an agent is provisioned with. This has the drawback that if addAgentSkill FAC is used, the application is not informed.

2) create device monitors on 'all' the Hunt Group extensions, and receive agent login and logout events. This will give you an event when the agent is added to or removed from a skill via a FAQ. however, "How do you know what hunt group extensions you need to monitor?" you ask. Well one way would be for someone to provision them into the security data base on AE Services and your application query that, or someone could just configure your application with them. Neither is driven by Communication Manager provisioning. So again that drives you back to using SMS to query Communication Manager for provisioned Hunt group information.

The agent group informatin is populated when EAS is disabled (each agent has a single skill). When EAS is enabled Communication Manager's behavior is much more complex, and more complex approaches are necessary in the application. Martin was probably digging for information around how EAS was configured in your environment to explain why you were not seeing it.
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1146
Location: Rural, Virginia
There are two ways to figure out what skills an Agent has.

1) use the System Management Service and submit a web query to find out what skills an agent is provisioned with. This has the drawback that if addAgentSkill FAC is used, the application is not informed.

2) create device monitors on 'all' the Hunt Group extensions, and receive agent login and logout events. This will give you an event when the agent is added to or removed from a skill via a FAQ. however, "How do you know what hunt group extensions you need to monitor?" you ask. Well one way would be for someone to provision them into the security data base on AE Services and your application query that, or someone could just configure your application with them. Neither is driven by Communication Manager provisioning. So again that drives you back to using SMS to query Communication Manager for provisioned Hunt group information.

The agent group informatin is populated when EAS is disabled (each agent has a single skill). When EAS is enabled Communication Manager's behavior is much more complex, and more complex approaches are necessary in the application. Martin was probably digging for information around how EAS was configured in your environment to explain why you were not seeing it.
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