Avaya Client SDK

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Working with Credentials

All Client SDK services that depend on infrastructure services accessed over a network require login credentials. Applications are responsible for providing the login credentials to the Client SDK through the AuthenticationService interface.

Registering for authentication on Avaya Equinox Streaming & Recording

To register for authentication a AvayaRecordingClient instance must be created. Authorization occurs by the following sequence:

  • The application sends a login request with credentials to the server side of the application
  • The successfull response from the server contains the authorization token
  • Then Authentication Service uses this token

When you call 'login(token)' from authenticationService the following sequence of events will occur:

  • Authentication Service sends GET request to authorizationUrl defined by SDK configuration with Authorization header "Bearer [token]"
  • Expected that the response will contain timestamp and token from Avaya Equinox Streaming & Recording(ACSR).
  • Additionally Authentication Service starts innner daemon wich send the request every 15 minutes

ACSR token and timestamp keep in browser local storage.

Log out Avaya Equinox Streaming & Recording

To log out, simply call


After calling 'logout()' ACSR timestamp and token will be removed from the local storage.

Authorized request

The most of Recording Management services for authorized requests require a 'user' parameter apart from token and timestamp on its URL. For example Program service creates request wich URL will contain user=&timestamp=&token=:

// Log in on ACSR

// configure parameters for Program Service
var params = new AvayaRecordingClient.Services.ProgramService.ProgramParams({
        user: ""
