Release 3.4

The Avaya Breeze Platform Release 3.4 was made generally available in December 2017. Service Pack 1 (Release was issued in May 2018. This is NOT the latest release of the Avaya Breeze Platform and is out of support. The latest release is recommended for new development.

IMPORTANT The following end of sale and end of support dates have been announced:
  • End of sale: July 10, 2018
  • End of sale: July 10, 2018
Additional information about the end of sale and end of support dates can be found here. For all new development, Avaya recommends that developers use the latest release of Avaya Breeze platform.

New in Release

There are no new features in the Avaya Breeze Platform 3.4 Service Pack 1 release. For information about interoperability and a detailed description of the full feature set, see the Overview and Specification guide, which is available under the Downloads tab.

New in Release 3.4

The Avaya Breeze Platform 3.4 includes the following new and enhanced features:

  • Avaya Oceana Solution Deployment: The Avaya Breeze Platform provides Cluster Groups and Cluster FQDN to reduce the time and simplify the process of deploying Avaya Oceana solution.
  • Deployment on Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM): Deploy the Avaya Breeze Platform 3.4 on KVM, a virtualization infrastructure for the Linux kernel that turns the Linux kernel into a hypervisor.
  • Cluster Reboot: The Avaya Breeze Platform provides the cluster reboot operation to restart all the reachable Avaya Breeze servers on the selected clusters.
  • Updates to the ce-report Tool: With the Avaya Breeze Platform, customize the logs to include the specific number of days of data to collect, types of data and a list of files.
  • Removal of the AvayaBreeze_EXT Replica Group: The Avaya Breeze Platform registers with the System Manager Data Replication Service using the Breeze_3.4 replica group and requires only a single initial load operation after installations or upgrades.
  • Updates to the Port Matrix: Ports 5044 and 9400 are added, and port 2181 is moved from eth0 to eth1.

For more detailed information, see the section What's new in this release included in Chapter 2 of the Avaya Breeze Overview and Specification.

Release history

End of Support Nov 2022 (view notice)

End of Support Sep 2020 (view notice)
